sábado, 30 de agosto de 2008

Thales Nogueira and Mangas

What is Manga ?

It´s a Japanese comic. Manga, as everybody thinks, is not like an American comic book.

What´s the difference ?

In Manga there is a variety of kinds of history, some are for young people, other for women, adults, children... The biggest difference is the reading, that is from right to left.

What´s your favorite story?

I like many stories, but my favorite is Full metal alchemist. This story is about two brothers who lose their mother and they try to revive her using alchemy, but they failed and one brother loses his leg and his arm, and the other brother loses his body, after this disappointment they try to look for the philosophal stone to restore their bodies and start an adventure.

Thales likes to draw Manga too !!!
Sky 3 B - Grá, Thales, Paola, Leo, Robinho and Leandra
Teacher Livia

terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2008

Interview with Tamires Vila and José Lucas Salgueiro

José Lucas and Tamires took the Cambridge test and we interviewed them...

1- How did you feel taking the test?
Zé Lucas:I felt a little nervous, however the woman that interviewed me was a nice person.
Tami: I felt a little nervous too, the test was easier than I thought it´d be.

2- Why did you decide to do the test?
Tami: I decided to do the test because I think it will be important for me.
Zé Lucas: I'd like to do the advanced test, but I needed to start earlier and to get more experience for the other test. And it'll go to my resume.

3- What experience did you have doing this test?
Zé Lucas: I'd like to know how is the relation between teachers and sudents, what kind of questions they do, the structure of the test...

4 - What was the most difficult part of the test?
Tami: It was the listening. I did the speaking with Fabricio, who was my friend, so I felt comfortable. And the reading and writing were too easy, because I'm used to doing them.
Zé Lucas: It was the speaking. My partner was my friend too, but I got nervous.

5- How was the test?
Tami: We arrived in Ribeirão Preto, we had to wait two hours to take the test.
Zé Lucas: We could choose our partners for the speaking part. It was the first part.
Tami: We did the speaking, then we waited for the other students. Well, this is curious: before the speaking test, we ate cheetos! It was 7 a.m.!
After, we went to the mall for lunch and José Lucas and his friends were playing games and we got late for the second part of the test! Marcelo had to talk with the other teachers. So we did the second part: reading and writing. The last part was listening. And we came back to Mirassol telling jokes. One month later, we received the results of the test. We passed!

Touch 3b: Michelle, Rafaela, Zé Miguel, Bruna, Denise, Maria Letícia, Mazinho, Lucas, Zé Lucas, Tamires and Ana

Congratulation Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Famous History

My name's Mariana and I like a famous person called Joe Jonas.
Joe’s real name is Joseph Adam Jonas. He is nineteen years old. He’s a singer-songwriter and a musician. He is from Casa Grande, Arizona USA and was born there. He has two brothers, and sings with them in a band called ‘Jonas Brothers’. I like their music, because it’s really nice and beautiful. I know him because a friend of mine told me about him, then I listened to their music and I loved.

My name is Rafaela and I like Britney Spears.
Britney Spears sings, dances, writes the songs and she is an actress.
She’s was born on December 2, in 1981 in McComb, Mississipi, U.S.
She is 26 years old. She’s an accomplished gymnastic, attending gymnastics classes until age nine and competing in state-level competitions. She performed and sang in her local Baptist church choir.
Britney was hospitalized at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center after she “appeared to be under the influence of an unknown substance”, though blood tests tested negative for any illicit substances.
I like her because she dances very much and she is very beautiful. I also like her music, because it is very nice and beautiful. My favorite song is ‘I’m not a girl, not yet a woman’ .

My name is Veronica, and I like a famous person called Justin Timberlake.
He was born in Memphis, Tennessee, on January 31, 1981.
He is a pop singer-songwriter, record producer, dancer and actor too; and plays the keyboard, the guitar and the beatboxing.
Justin has started his career in 1993, when he joined the cast of “The Mickey Mouse Club”, and later he sang in the group N Sync.
In 2002, he released his debut solo album, Justified, which sold more than 7 million copies. Justin’s second solo was released in 2006, FutureSex/LoveSongs. It has sold more than 8,6 million copies until January 2008.
Justin was elected the best dancer of the world in 2000, and was given the Sexiest Man titled by Teen People and also Cosmopolitan magazines.
I like all his songs, and I love to see Justin dancing too.

segunda-feira, 25 de agosto de 2008

Friday Workshop - "Peanut Candy"

Hi everybody!

On August 15th, 2008 we prepared something very delicious at school. It was a "Peanut candy".
The students who came liked a lot. It's very easy to do it, you don't need the oven or the stove, just a mixer or blender or you can also do it with strong hands.

Thanks for the students who could come I was very glad and for the ones who didn't come I'm going to share with you the recipe.

Here it goes

"Peanut Candy "

1 bag cookies;
1 carton of condensed milk;
500 g of roasted peanuts with no peel.

1st Grind the cookies until it gets powdery;
2nd Grind the peanuts in small pieces;
3rd Mix cookies powder and peanuts together in a bowl;
4th Grease a baking tin;
5th Spread condensed milk over the mixture done before with peanuts and biscuits;
6th Put in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

I hope everybody likes it!
Kisses and hugs!
Teacher Dri


Inventor João Paulo Thomé

1- What's your name?
My name's Joao Paulo Thomé.

2- What's your favorite hobby?
I like to invent things.

3- What's your best invention?
My eletric car.

4- What's your favorite food?

5- What's your favorite insect?

6- What's your favorite color?

7- Are you Palmeirense?

8- What do you want to your future?
To be a pilot.

9- How many insects do you have?

10-What do you do to be a creative boy?
I watch TV and sometimes I read books.

11- Do you like LEGO?
Yes, I like the airport.

T - 1 B

Gabriel, Jason, Guilherme, Flavinho, Juliane, Larissa, Renata, Daniel, Joao Paulo and Carol's.

quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2008


For those soccer fans, here's a photo of my family at Olímpico stadium in Porto Alegre. My brother Flávio is the physical coach with Grêmio and he's been there since January. We paid him a visit last week and luckily we could see Grêmio X São Paulo on Sunday. As you can see both in the first and the second photo, the stadium was crowded and I was very glad for my brother because Grêmio beat São Paulo and the chance to be the champion is big.
Marcelo. Aug.21/2008.

quarta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2008

Victor's Interview

This interview was made by the students from the Touchstone 2A group (Mon/Wed 6:45 pm).
From left to right you can see Victor, the interviewee and the students Lucas, Anna Beatriz, Isabela, Marina and Gustavo (not in this picture).

Do you have a hobby ? Which one ?
Yes , I love Mangá and Animes.

Which was the best time of your life ? Talk about it ?
College , because I met many people.

Do you like to be a teacher ?
Yes , very much.

How old are you ?
I am 23 years old.

Are you married or single ?
Single, I don't want to get married

What do you do during the week ?
I work in an office, and in the evening I teach.

Do you like sports ? Which ?
I don't like sports, only volleyball . I like to walk.

Which do you prefer : English or Portuguese ?
Of course, English.

Friday's cooking class

Last Friday teacher Adriana offered the students a cooking class. The kids were very excited about learning how to prepare a peanut candy and went back home with some prepared by themselves! You can see some pictures below and how much fun the kids had while cooking. Teacher Adriana will soon post her impressions about the event and also the recipe, so the students who could not show up can try it at home.
Warm hugs,

terça-feira, 19 de agosto de 2008

Our first video!!!! =)

Dê uma câmera digital na mão de crianças entre 9 e 12 anos, reunidas em uma mesma turma para estudar inglês e surpreenda--se!!!
Foi exatamente isso o que fiz hoje, com o pessoalzinho do SMILE 4. E o resultado pode ser conferido aí embaixo: a singeleza e doçura típicas da época mais espontânea da vida da gente.
E assim sempre faremos daqui pra frente: todos terão a oportunidade de se expressar por meio desse recurso tecnológico, de falar com o mundo e dar vazão à sua criatividade.

Sorry for doing it in Portuguese once again, (I’d promised to do it in English from the first post on!! ) but I feel parents would also be interested in reading the reason why we decided to allow our students to make their own videos.

Vídeo feito pelos alunos: Danilo, Larissa, Laura, Marcelo e Vinícius
Grupo: Smile 4
Teacher: Livia


From left to right: Marcelo, Larissa, teacher Livia, Laura, Vinícius e Danilo

Gabriela - coordenadora pedagógica

Teacher Adriana

The group Touch 2B (Thomas, Murilo, Rafael, Gabriel, Danilo, Bárbara, Anna Luíza, Amanda, Beatriz) interviewed Teacher Dri.

1- What's your full name?

Adriana Cavallini.

2- How old are you?

She's 24 years old.

3- Do you like your profession?

She loves teaching.

4- What's your favorite activity?

She loves watching movies and in her free time she likes to sleep and to play volleyball.

5- Do you have a pet?

She has 2 dogs.

6- Do you speak more languages?

No, she doesn't.

7- Tell us about your family.

Her family are her father, her mom, her sister and her grandpa and 2 dogs. Her sister is a teacher too.

8- What is your favorite color?

White, pink, yellow and green.

9- What is your favorite food?

Rice, beans and salad.

segunda-feira, 18 de agosto de 2008

Teacher Marcela

What´s your full name?
Marcela Sarubi Macchi

Are you married? Do you have children?
Yes, I am. I have one cute boy called Gabriel. He's 12.

Do you have another job?
Yes, I work in four different schools. Colégio Sta Terezinha, COOPEM, UNIFAIMI and Cia das Línguas.

Talk about your experince of living in the USA.
It was a nice adventure. I got to know people from all over the world besides Americans, I learnt a foreign language and I traveled to many different places in the USA. It was also a hard time because I was away from my home, family and friends for a year and I missed them a lot.

Were you a good student at school? Were you a rebel when you were a teenager?
I was a good student, however less than I could have been. We just realize that too late later in life. I learned with two of my school friends how to be organized and I thank them for that whenever I remember.
I was not a rebel, but I had my thoughts, my opinion about stuff. I liked to put that clear, I was very talkative, always a leader on school debates. My mom says I was an adorable teenager and she wishes all teens were like me.

Tell us a funny story about you when you were a teenager or about your experience of being a teacher.
When I was a teen, at 11th grade, I was writing a flerting note to a cute friend of mine when the fan wind took it off from my desk to the floor. I got so desperate just to think about someone else reading my note that I reached far for the paper and ended up falling from the chair. People had been very quiet by then and got scared when they heard such a noise. They all got question mark faces from that.

T 4 B 18/08/08

sábado, 16 de agosto de 2008

Interview with Gabriela Imbernom

Skyhigh 2B - Saturday Morning 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm

Ana Carolina Ferraz, André Giacometti, Carolina Trevisan, Joyce Squinello, Luana Fernandes, Lucas Maluli, Mateus Vasquez, Thiago Ramirez.

- How old are you?
I'm 33 years old.

- Where are you from?
I'm from Mirassol.

- Where do you live?
I live in Mirassol.

- Where did you study?
I studied at Ibilce -Unesp.

- How long have you worked here?
I've worked here for fifteen years.

- Do you like your job?
Yes, I love it.

- Do you have a degree?
Yes, I studied Translation.

- When did you graduate?

- What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to be with my friends. I love English songs and I love teaching.

We interviewed Gabriela who is the coordinator of the school.
She lives in Mirassol, she is 33 years old. She studied Translation at Ibilce - Unesp, she graduated in 1995. She has worked at Companhia das Línguas for 15 years and she really likes the job. In her free time she likes to be with her friends, listens to music which she loves, watches movies and she also loves to teach that is her passion.

quarta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2008

Joyce the secretary

What's her name?
Her names is Joyce.
Does she have any brothers or sisters?
Yes, she does. She has two brothers and one sister.
Does she have a car?
No, she doesn't. She drives her mom's car.
Does she have a boyfriend?
No, she doesn't.
Does she study?
Yes, she does. She studies Portuguese, Literature and English at Unifaimi.
What does she do in her free time?
She likes to listen to music and study.
What kind of music does she like?
She likes MPB, national rock and jazz.
Does she play any sports?
No, she doesn't.

We interviewed Joyce on August 12, 2008.
Touchstone 2A - Tuesday and Thursday - 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Names: Ana Paula, Leonardo and Marcelo. Teacher: Adriana

Kátia's interview

Kátia is one of our closest friend here at Cia Das Linguas.
Kátia is 22 years old and her birthday is on September 27. She has 2 sisters and 1 brother and a boyfriend.
She lives in Mirassol and she works here since 2007.
She loves to go out with her friends and to read books.

We interviewed Kátia on August 11th, 2008.
Megatrends 2 Monday and Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm.
Luis Henrique , Mariana , Túlio , Victória , Gabrielle , Luis Eduardo , Thales , Vitória and Giovana.

Interview with Livia

Hello, we are touchstone 1B.

We interviewed teacher Lívia.
Lívia is 26 yars old. Livia´s fiance´s name is Saulo. She has been with her fiancé for
10 months. Livia is going to get married on August 23rd. She would like to have four children. She lives in Mirassol, at Jardim Laguna. She works here and at Artemaior. She likes to go out with her family and her friends. She prefers the best team of the world, Palmeiras!!!!

Carla, Alexandre, Murilo, Felipe, Caio,Pamela, Jõao Victor, the students who made the interview by the orientation of teacher Gustavo.

Marcelo's Interview

Touch 4A - (Alice; Ana Flávia; Isabelle; Ligia; Taisa; Gabriel; Bruno; José Neto and Murillo) - the group of students who interviewed Marcelo, owner of Cia das Linguas

1-Do you think it's important your kids speak english early?
"Yes, of course English is very important for the world. In all the places of the world, English is the first language. English is very important."

2-When and how did you begin teaching English?
"I lived in Iraque when I was 18 years old. There I just spoke English. When I came back I figured out that English was my principal language."

3-Why do you think it is important to bring the Cambridge test to your school?
"I decided to implement the Cambridge test because Cambridge is famous for its competence. Bringing Cambridge to my school, I'm giving to my students a chance of being known in an international school."

4-Have you studied another foreing language besides English?
"Yes ,French for a short period time."

5-How do you feel being the owner of the best English school in Mirassol?
"I'm happy but not a hundred per cent satisfied, because I think there's always a possibility to make something better."

6-What kinds of sports do you like?
"I like all sports, but I don't have time to pratice. I play tennis currently and I used to practice judo."

7-Do you like to live in Mirassol?In your opinion what should be changed in our city?
"I like but I think today Mirassol has less options of entertainment than it had in the past. That's why I always go to Rio Preto when I want to hang out."

8-Do you want to open more schools?
"Yes, but first I want to introduce other languages in the school I have."

9-What book are you reading currently?
"The seven habits of highly effective people - written by Stephen R. Covey."

10-When did you last see a realy good movie?
"When I watched 'O Caçador De Pipas."

terça-feira, 12 de agosto de 2008

Cambridge Exams - Congratulations !! - June/2008

Last June, the head of Cia. das Línguas, Marcelo D. Oliveira went to Ribeirão Preto with 8 candidates from our school in order to take the Cambridge exams. The photo shows the candidates before the test at the front desk. The results came out on July 14th, and all of the candidates have passed. By the way, 50% with merit.

Marcelo D. Oliveira

sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

New faces at school...

Hi guys, let´s talk a little about the new teacher Gustavo and the new secretary Dani...

The full name of the new teacher is Gustavo dos Santos Villa. He was born on November, 22 1985 so he is 22 years old. He is from Mirassol and started working here this month. Besides being a teacher he studies Journalism in S. J. do Rio Preto. In his free time he likes to go to barbecues, parties, actually he likes to go out and not stay at home. His favorite sport is soccer and he roots for São Paulo and he likes horror movies, like `` Albergue ´´, and his favorite food is lasagna. His plan for the future is just to be happy.

Daniele Cristina Mariana is the new secretary of Cia. das Linguas, she was born on September, 4 1986 so she is 21 years old. She is from Mirassol too and began working here yesterday 08/08/08, very interesting!!! She doesn´t study but she has plans to take a course for Vestibular, she wants to be a doctor. She spends her free time reading, practicing sports, she likes gymnastics, watching movies and listening to music. Her favorite food is lasagna too.
Sky 3B - Saturday/morning

quarta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2008

A blog? Why?

Decidimos habitar o espaço virtual também!
Acreditamos ser inimaginável não termos nosso cantinho neste mar sem fim do ciberespaço, no qual possamos registrar nossa vida real. Mesmo porque, hoje em dia, muitas das interações acontecem aqui.
Além do mais, permitir que nossos alunos possam integrar essa prática social de escrita e leitura na internet à sua formação, e construir o conhecimento de maneira coletiva, vêm ao encontro das necessidades e exigências da sociedade da informação do século XXI.
No entanto, vale ressaltar que, por entendermos que somos educadores e formadores de cidadãos, e termos a língua estrangeira como meio pelo qual e no qual as interações e construções de significados e conhecimento acontecem, desta postagem em diante, na medida do possível, não mais utilizaremos a língua portuguesa.

Visitem-nos sempre!

Um abraço,

Gabriela Imbernom Pereira – coordenadora pedagógica