sábado, 9 de agosto de 2008

New faces at school...

Hi guys, let´s talk a little about the new teacher Gustavo and the new secretary Dani...

The full name of the new teacher is Gustavo dos Santos Villa. He was born on November, 22 1985 so he is 22 years old. He is from Mirassol and started working here this month. Besides being a teacher he studies Journalism in S. J. do Rio Preto. In his free time he likes to go to barbecues, parties, actually he likes to go out and not stay at home. His favorite sport is soccer and he roots for São Paulo and he likes horror movies, like `` Albergue ´´, and his favorite food is lasagna. His plan for the future is just to be happy.

Daniele Cristina Mariana is the new secretary of Cia. das Linguas, she was born on September, 4 1986 so she is 21 years old. She is from Mirassol too and began working here yesterday 08/08/08, very interesting!!! She doesn´t study but she has plans to take a course for Vestibular, she wants to be a doctor. She spends her free time reading, practicing sports, she likes gymnastics, watching movies and listening to music. Her favorite food is lasagna too.
Sky 3B - Saturday/morning

Um comentário:

Cia das Línguas disse...

Welcome teacher Gustavo and the new secretary Dani.
Sky 3B - Saturday